October 2021 Newsletter

A Note from Diana Jackson, CEO
Each October, we honor National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) to highlight the many valuable contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy.
This year, Governor Bill Lee officially declared October 2021 as Tennessee Disability Employment Awareness Month.
Employment is a very important part of the supports that are offered by Life Bridges. People love being identified with the business that employs them and they enjoy the buying power that a paycheck affords. What do people who receive supports from Life Bridges want? Most of the people supported by the agency want more money to afford the things that make them happy, to share outings with friends, and to buy the things they want.
We are excited to share some of the employment success stories and opportunities offered Life Bridges that are occurring in our community; these employees bring their own strengths and skills to their work, and create a full and inclusive workforce.
Life Bridges Partners – Thank you for believing in and partnering with us!

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

The purpose of NDEAM is to commemorate the ways people with disabilities have contributed to America’s workforce & economy, and highlight resources for employees, businesses, & community organizations. According to the most recent data, less than 20% of people with disabilities are currently employed. Specifically in Tennessee, 33% of people with disabilities who are not working want a job in the community.
At Life Bridges, our Supported Employment staff work hard to help people find meaningful, integrated employment. Our goal is to help them not just find a a job, but to identify their own interests & skills, to work towards building a career. We provide education & experiences helping someone determine if they even want to pursue employment, right up to their retirement. Throughout the way, we work to provide supports where needed, but ultimately build independence and pride in their work.
The service our Job Coaches & Job Developers provide are only one piece of the puzzle when working towards increasing community employment. It takes all staff, working together to build the necessary skills & helping people determine what their interests are and what their dream job may be.
Katie has worked at Taziki’s for two years.
Her cheerful disposition plus her attention to detail is one of her many attributes .
As part of National Disability Employment Awareness month we celebrate Katie’s strength “Cheerful.”

Knowledgable About Music
Terry is part of the TDOT workplace and is considered a well rounded employee, he not only performs his daily tasks successfully, but is a great person to be around.
As part of National Disability Employment Awareness month we celebrate Terry’s strength “knowledgeable about music.”