January 2023 Newsletter

A Note from Diana Jackson, CEO
The Life Bridges Team is off to a busy 2023, as we make plans to celebrate our 50th anniversary. Our year-long celebration will include a looking back over the last 50 years of the people and families we have supported and the staff who have worked at the agency. In a 50-year history there have been ups and downs –and we have learned from them all! Many of you have been with us through decades of providing services and we appreciate you very much.
Notably, Eddie Elrod, has been supported by the agency since 1974. Yes, 49 years! Joann Knoxville is the oldest recipient of services at age 93. And, Cheri Williamson is the staff member with the most tenure, 40 years, and she is still working!
Life Bridges Partners-Thank you for believing in and partnering with us!
Bridging the gap. . .
Save the Dates. . .
Tuesday, January 31 – Employee Recognition – 1:30pm – Hunt Center
Friday, February 10– Night to Shine Prom – 5:30pm – Broad Street Methodist

- Richard M. Nixon was President
- New car cost: $3,200
- One gallon of gas cost: 40 cents
- “Far out” was slang for “cool”
- “Boogie” was slang for “dance”
- Bradley Adult Activity Center (later known as Life Bridges) was established