A Note from Diana Jackson, CEO
It is a busy time at Life Bridges!
Senate Budget Amendment #296 and House Budget Amendment #51 have been introduced at the state legislature to increase Direct Support Staff wages to $12.50 an hour. Please reach out to your legislators to ask for their support of this essential wage increase.
We enjoyed our first ever Job Fair, sponsored by our friends at Medical Center Pharmacy. Your partnership is key to our success Joe Moore! If you know someone looking for a rewarding job working with people with intellectual disabilities, please send them to Life Bridges.
We were sorry to see Terry Caywood retire, but he is still a part of the Life Bridges Family. We enjoyed a time of celebration, lunch, and a bit of a roast for Terry during his last working days. He will be missed!
We have a family with connections to sell a classic car as a fund raising endeavor for Life Bridges. We only have one issue – we need someone to donate a classic car for this fundraiser! If you have a car or a lead on such a vehicle please let us know.
Thank you to those who reached out to assist people we support in their willingness to serve as conservators for them. We are so grateful and this has met an important need.
Life Bridges Partners – Thank you for believing in and partnering with us!
We have Nursing and Direct Support Professional positions open.
Will you help?
There is currently a bill: Senate Budget Amendment #296 and House Budget Amendment #51 that has been proposed for Tennessee to increase the TennCare budget, and raise the minimum wage for DSPs to $12.50 an hour.
The current legislation budgets for DSP starting wage to be at $10.00 an hour.
If you are unfamiliar with how the process work, a budget is set each year that determines the rates we get paid for the services we provide. We are a non-profit, and do not make money off anything except the services provided (day services, residential, therapies, medical appointments, etc) Because of this, the budget directly impacts how much money we have available to pay staff.
The TN Disability Coalition has set up an easy to use link to assist with lobbying your local legislators.
Go to:
Then, enter your zip code. (If that zip code is covered by multiple districts, you may be asked to enter your full address).
Once you submit this, it will open up an e-mail form where all you need to do is put your name and click submit, and will send an email to your local legislators, asking them to pass this bill.
Or send a letter to: Senator Mike Bell/716 Cordell Hull Building/Nashville, TN 37243