A Note from Diana Jackson, CEO
Special Olympics was held on a beautiful day and the celebration of athletes was so meaningful. All were encouraged and honored for their efforts and progress since our last event which was in 2019. A good friend of mine who participated in the 100 meter race and the softball throw said of himself, “I am amazing!” That is truly what it is all about!
The 2nd Annual Spring Fling fundraiser was both a hit and a success! The event was well attended and those present enjoyed the live auction, silent auction, and band. Also, many donated cash, at the encouragement of Steve Hixson, auctioneer. Tables are sold for this event and if you would like to purchase a table for the 2023 event, please let me know. Thank you to all of our partners who work hard for the people we support!
2023 will be the agency’s 50th year of providing services. More to come on this – but we will plan to celebrate all year long!
Life Bridges Partners – Thank you for believing in and partnering with us!

What is CQL?

As a provider of supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Life Bridges always seek to enhance the quality of supports. We are entering a new adventure on our journey to excellence as we seek certification by the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). Many people in our field of work consider CQL to be the golden standard of excellence. According to their website, they have been a leader in working with human service organizations and systems to continuously define, measure, and improve quality of life and quality of services for youth, adults, and older
adults with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric disabilities since 1969.
CQL Vision
The vision of CQL is a world of dignity, opportunity, and community for all people.
CQL Mission
CQL is dedicated to the definition, measurement, and improvement of personal quality of life.
CQL has a two pronged focus. First, there are high systemic expectations. Systems include our written policies and procedures. The second prong of focus is on practice. It is not enough to have policies and procedures that meet CQL standards. We must also have staff, especially supervisors and DSPs who live out those policies and procedures. CQL standards also set the bar high in the level of participation of the people we support and their families and friends at every level of our organization from input into policy making to issues of everyday living.
These new standards both affirm our strengths and challenge us to look outside the box for ways to grow. Please let us know if you have questions and know that you will hear more as we move through this journey.
Thanks for all you do to help us grow, develop, and THRIVE as a provider agency!