A Note from Diana Jackson, CEO
Many people supported by the agency enjoyed First Baptist Camp at Parksville Lake. Our group was moved to the opening week of camp, as opposed to the closing of summer camps. The weather was more favorable and FUN was the word of the week! The participants enjoyed boating, swimming, fishing, Bible study, and music. It was a memorable time for those who were able to attend.
Stay tuned for more information about expansion of affordable home choices for the people we support.
Also, soon we will have a brochure to outline opportunities to contribute to Life Bridges through legacy giving and gifting of items like vehicles, homes, and others items of value.
Life Bridges Partners – Thank you for believing in and partnering with us!
Bridging the gap!
Future Newsletter Distribution:
In an effort to reduce direct mail costs for the monthly newsletter; Life Bridges will transition to sending to email correspondence in the future. Kindly provide us with your accurate email address to kkelley@lifebridgesonline.com. If you prefer to continue direct mail for any reason, please call Karen Kelley at 423.472.5268 ext. 1085.
Save the Date:
Staff Meeting
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
1:30PM – 2:30PM
Family Meeting
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Dinner Buffet Provided!