A Note from Diana Jackson, CEO
Our vision for Life Bridges includes sustainability and upgrades to benefit the people we support. We are so pleased to announce the purchase of two gently used wheelchair vans (pictured below) to assist the growing number of people who need this level of care for transportation. Each vehicle will transport up to 4 people in wheelchairs and will allow more opportunity for community involvement. The combined cost of these vehicles was about $118,000.
We are also looking at building a three-bedroom duplex in the coming year to give affordable housing options to the people we support. It is very exciting to be a part of the advances that are being made under the agency’s Board of Directors.
Employment opportunities continue to grow for the people who are supported by the agency. You will see us at Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and Black Fox Farms. People are learning, earning, and spending!
Life Bridges Partners – Thank you for believing in and partnering with us!
Bridging the gap!

Recently purchased:
Two newer wheelchair vans.

Special Olympics - 2024

By: James L. Kilgore, Life Bridges Reporter
“Let me win, but if I do not win, let me be brave in the attempt.” …Mary Kennedy Shriver
April 20, 2024, this reporter got second place in the standing long jump and the fifty meter dash. I am very proud of our athletes, Civitan club, volunteers, Cleveland Fire Department and Life Bridges for helping to make the Summer Olympics fun! First came the softball throw, stand long jump and finally the runners.